Ki roto i te reo Māori >Te Ao Matihiko – Te Ao Māori approach to navigating the digital world. Waihiko, daughter of Tama-nui-te-ra. For whānau hosted by Ngāti Gaming.
Ki roto i te reo Māori >Te Ao Matihiko – Te Ao Māori approach to navigating the digital world. Waihiko, daughter of Tama-nui-te-ra. For whānau hosted by Ngāti Gaming.
This session takes a look at storytelling and the use of imagination within a backdrop of Dungeons and Dragons, the grandfather of video games.
This session looks at the future of technology and where it could possibly go, from VR to the metaverse, the future is what you make it.
This session introduces our fourth competition: Photo competition, a picture tells a thousand words. We will look at the different aspects of digital photography and how students can use those while taking their photos.
This session focuses on educational pathways for those interested in digital technology with a focus on creative technologies.
This session takes a look at how schools and teachers can better prepare students and improve their digital literacy for potential digital pathways.
This session introduces our fourth competition: Photo competition, a picture tells a thousand words. We will look at the different aspects of digital photography and how students can use those while taking their photos.
This session is aimed at teachers and parents and explores career pathways within digital tech and gaming and how these can be explored within the classroom through an array of free and premium tools (animation, 3D, game dev, graphic design, coding)
This session is aimed at teachers and will cover how to leverage students love of gaming and esports within schools and a classroom environment to help facilitate learning.
This session will focus on character design. What does it take to make a good character? What are the different aspects to consider when developing a character?